
放大字体  缩小字体 2018-01-11 504
  • 品牌名称:潮安区众欢不锈钢有限公司
  • 公司名称:潮州市潮安区众欢不锈钢制品有限公司
  • 官方主页http://zhonghuan.cabxgw.com
  • 所在地区:广东潮州市潮安区

潮安区众欢不锈钢制品有限公司是一家专业生产不锈钢制品的规模企业,公司实力雄厚,现有厂房占地面积近20000平方米,拥有一批专业的技术人才和先进的机械设备,以及日臻完善的管理体制。主要产品有“众欢”牌不锈钢面盆、单、双层蒸锅、欧式汤锅, 茶壶等十多个系列品种。企业一直坚持“诚信、创新、进取为经营理念,以工艺精良、质量一流的产品赢取市场信誉,以脚踏实地、追求卓越、务实操守、与时俱进的精神不断发展前进。竭诚欢迎国内外客商莅临参观、指导,洽谈业务,共铸“不锈”之辉煌。

Chaozhou ZhongHuan Stainless Steel Co.,Ltd. is an established stainless steel company. The company strength is abundant. The existing factory building covers an area of nearly 20000 square meters, equipped with advanced machineries as well as a group of professional and technical staffs operating in an efficient management system. There are more than 10 different products, including ZhongHuan stainless steel basin, single or double boiler, European style soup pots, tea pot and so on. The company adheres to the “integrity, innovation and enterprising” business philosophy, sophisticated technology, high quality products to win the market reputation, hard working, the pursuit of excellence, pragmatic integrity, the spirit of advancing with The Times development to move forward. We sincerely welcome customers from home and abroad to visit, guide and arrange business with us.

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